by ffinadmin | Dec 6, 2012 | Blog
Usually in August, I can get a little time to reflect and think in terms of both where the company has been in the past year and where it is going to in the future year. However August 2012 saw the company really take off in new directions following...
by ffinadmin | Dec 2, 2012 | Blog
Choreography: Gary Lambert Sound score: Otis Lift Original lighting: Ross Cameron Degrees of Freedom was first commissioned for Edinburgh Dance Base in 2004 for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and will form part of the new triple bill for FFIN DANCE – Inspired...
by ffinadmin | Aug 2, 2012 | Blog, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012
And so, one more sleep to go and then we are off to Edinburgh. Cases packed and double checked (triple check tomorrow morning) and very much looking forward to our first time performing at the Fringe. I picked up on a really useful piece of advice today on Twitter...
by ffinadmin | Jul 13, 2012 | Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012
Just another 23 days and we will open our show Connections in the Fringe Festival August 4th and 5th as part of Danceforms 60th Choreographers’ Showcase at C venues Our both shows are 11am, we’d love to have a chat to you after the show – very much...
by ffinadmin | Jul 3, 2012 | 2013 Tour - INSPIRED, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012
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