“True by FFIN DANCE in Women GOlive at Arts at OFS grew into joyously rough jump ups & catches to medieval music. ‘Small’ co with big resonance!” Donald Hutera


is a professional dance company

based in South Wales, UK

We are based at the The Beaufort Theatre & Café Bar in South Wales UK

We have 2 main strands to the company:

FFIN DANCE creating and touring work
– the ffin dance faktry, education and community outreach

Charity Number | 1129663
Company Number | 06506094

Distinguished Patron
Brigadier Robert Aitken CBE LL

Board of Directors
Chair – Ruth Pratten
Sharon Harford
Katy Price
Louis Norman
Anna Guzzo

Professional Dancers
Catrin Lewis
Georgina Turier-Duerden
Louis Norman

Community Coordinator
Catrin Lewis

Community Innovator
Anna Guzzo

Events and Volunteers Coordinator | The Beaufort Theatre
Louis Norman

What's been going on...

Join us for DanceMix

Some of our teaching team here at FFIN DANCE will be delivering a fantastic opportunity for the community this coming half term. If you'd like to come along, please contact Catrin on this email:ffindancecl@gmail.com Everyone welcome

Full steam ahead

As we come to the end of another jam-packed term of weekly classes at our home studio at The Beaufort Theatre, we prepare for our summer activities both in and out of our venue. Always uppermost in our minds is the valuable work that we undertake in the community,...

RISE studio time

My creative time with the company dancers making my new work has come to an end in the studio. RISE is now ready to be refined, polished and staged and will be premièred at our beloved home The Beaufort Theatre The last section of RISE is titled rewritten as we look...

Join us for DanceMix

Some of our teaching team here at FFIN DANCE will be delivering a fantastic opportunity for the community this coming half term. If you'd like to come along, please contact Catrin on this email:ffindancecl@gmail.com Everyone welcome

Full steam ahead

As we come to the end of another jam-packed term of weekly classes at our home studio at The Beaufort Theatre, we prepare for our summer activities both in and out of our venue. Always uppermost in our minds is the valuable work that we undertake in the community,...

RISE studio time

My creative time with the company dancers making my new work has come to an end in the studio. RISE is now ready to be refined, polished and staged and will be premièred at our beloved home The Beaufort Theatre The last section of RISE is titled rewritten as we look...