And so, one more sleep to go and then we are off to Edinburgh. Cases packed and double checked (triple check tomorrow morning) and very much looking forward to our first time performing at the Fringe. I picked up on a really useful piece of advice today on Twitter from @fringereview who tweeted that the Fringe need not be a rat race and you don’t need to race to enjoy it. That really hit home for me, as I had started to feel the rat race groove, inadvertently being drawn in to an unknown environment. This has put me much more at ease.
And so to travel, flying from Bristol tomorrow for our exceptionally early get-in on Saturday morning (6am!!) and opening show at 11am.
Hopping over to Dance Base later on then to see Andy Howitt’s show GOD – grumpy old dancer and do a bit of networking. Second show on Sunday morning at 11am and fly back Sunday night.
As one trip finishes another one starts – we travel to Germany on Tuesday for a week spent in preparing for the Tanz@Namedy Festival curated by Gary Lambert. But more about that next week.
Thanks for following my Ed Fest countdowns, chat soon….
sue lewis