by ffinadmin | Jul 11, 2014 | Blog, News
Well what a tour it has been. Last week saw the company travelling to Milton Keynes to perform, for the final time this season, in the Motus Dance Festival. It was such such a lovely day and a great way to say goodbye to the current ‘Still Standing’ tour....
by ffinadmin | Jun 26, 2014 | Blog
Some of you may remember our online Sponsume appeal for our summer holiday dance clubs for children in Blaenau Gwent; well happy to say that we reached our target of £400, due to your really generous donations. Together with financial assistance from Tai Calon...
by ffinadmin | Jun 19, 2014 | Blog, News
And so we are on to the last stretch of our 2014 tour, Still Standing. It’s been a great tour and we have received some great audience feedback: some venues enjoying some of the pieces more than others and then conversely other places getting more from the...
by ffinadmin | May 3, 2014 | Blog
And so to a tiny lul in the FFIN DANCE calendar. The Easter dance faktry festival and intensives (April 24th/25th) were amongst our most successful in terms of participation, audience figures and quality since we started these activities back in 2008. Lots of happy...
by ffinadmin | Mar 3, 2014 | News
We open our new show – Still Standing – on March 11th 2014 at Nantgarw Campus, Coleg Y Cymoedd, Cardiff CF15 7QY The show starts at 7.30pm, the box office number for tickets 01443 663009 We will be performing: Fractal – Choreography 2013 by Sue...