And so to a tiny lul in the FFIN DANCE calendar.
The Easter dance faktry festival and intensives (April 24th/25th) were amongst our most successful in terms of participation, audience figures and quality since we started these activities back in 2008. Lots of happy dancers young and older and happy parents and friends, it was a great event.
Then on to London. On Tuesday I travelled up to Trinity Laban to join Megan and Catrin who have been working with Gary Lambert on a new duet for our Still Standing Tour. The work ‘Being’ was being shown as a private sharing in a low-key, informal setting which was truly beautiful. Gary invited the onlookers to enter the space and move around to watch the dancers from all angles and to get up close and personal. Some great feedback and also an invite to show the work at a gallery in the future. We will be showing the duet in our home theatre, The Met on May 15th and other venues on the tour.
This year saw our first group of students entered for A Level Dance through our ffin dance faktry. They had their practical moderation on Thursday and all did really well, we are hoping for some excellent results, just the written exam now in June, so fingers crossed for them.
A few days catching up in the office now awaits after a day off to recharge my batteries, I very much hope to see you at one of the tour venues.
Please follow our blogs as we journey and do keep in touch
sue lewis