Onwards and upwards

It’s been almost 3 years since we took over the management of The Beaufort Theatre, and I’m delighted to to tell you that we’re going from strength to strength. I’d like to introduce you to our latest partner Lybec Arts Performing Academy who has become artist in...

An Inspector Calls Day 5

Day 5 has been an absolute delight.  We have spent time today in the studio piecing together the duets in Act 2 working on the all-important transitions that add coherence and meaning (sometimes esoteric) to the overall structure of the work.  We have spent time...

An Inspector Calls Day 4

Good evening everyone. Day 4 in the studio making my new work for the company, based on the themes in Priestley’s play An Inspector Calls. The emphasis today was finding the musicality in the sublime The Lark Ascending composed by British composer Ralph Vaughan...

An Inspector Calls Day 3

Hello again.  Today was all about focussing on the remaining duets that I have set which explore the various relationships that the main characters of the play undertake with the victim – Eva/Daisy. Goole of course points out that each one of the characters has...

An Inspector Calls Day 2

Day 2 in the studio didn’t disappoint, more super work explored. The images above are from Julian’s notebook, jottings of the things that have come to mind with the task in hand. Today the dancers recapped on the tasks from yesterday, working on...