Hello again.  Today was all about focussing on the remaining duets that I have set which explore the various relationships that the main characters of the play undertake with the victim – Eva/Daisy.
Goole of course points out that each one of the characters has in turn (collectively) contributed to Eva’s suicide. I also needed to set Act 1 soliloquies to the divine Elgar Enigma Variation 10, Nimrod.  Take a look at the full score here – 

The dancers and I looked at simplicity in content for each of the duets, which we felt would be a good ground from which to start weaving together the phrasing of Act 2. I think that Priestley’s point is that we don’t address our guilt until it’s pointed out to us that even our very small negative actions when multiplied by everyone else’s small actions can congregate into a catastrophic effect that only has that effect because it’s multiplied.  A bit like the old advert on TV “my one little wrapper won’t do any harm!”

Tomorrow sees the introduction of the sublime The Lark Ascending by Vaughann-Williams

Please join us tomorrow for more Inspector shenanigans…

sue lewis