_PRT7504Well, the last week of the New Ground summer holiday dance clubs is about to commence – probably to be the most challenging week for all involved, as the duration of the workshops will be at least doubled. With this increase in time we are looking to combine all of the skills and techniques learned and practised over the past few weeks with the children’s creativity, and arrange this so that it can be presented and shared with the onlooking proud parents/carers/friends/family.

And so they should be proud! These children have achieved so much, through being so responsive and willing to give things a go – rising to every challenge.
I hope that further opportunities like this will be available in the community soon. I believe there is a dancer inside each and everyone of us – some big, some small, some confident, some shy – but having the opportunities and freedom to exercise and nurture those dancers is so important because of the positive effects it brings to mental, physical, social and emotional well-being. You only need to look at the smiling, wide-eyed faces of those children involved to see this.

Good luck for the week ahead all! Last leg… Lots of energy, lots of creativity, lots of packed lunches and lots of applause!

Krystal Campbell
Dance Teacher for the ffin dance faktry