We are pretty excited to announce that the ffin dance faktry will be offering AS/A Level Dance from September 2013.
We will be working from our home base at The Met Centre in Abertillery, where we have a lovely large studio space together with a conference room with great wi-fi facilities and large picture windows overlooking the hillsides of the Tillery Valley. The written examination will be taken at nearby Abertillery Comprehensive School.
The course will cover aspects of dance performance, choreography, anatomy for dancers, appreciation of dance works, dance history and healthy lifestyle for dancers.
Learners will be expected to participate in high level dance activities outside of the course, thereby giving additionality to their studies.
The course will commence on September 19th and will run regularly in term times from 7.15 – 9.30pm.
We have already attracted sponsorship from Tudor Brewery of Abertillery who will offer a free scholarship to one lucky learner for a whole year, we will also be approaching other companies to follow suit.
We are most happy that we can now offer a formal qualification in Dance for learners to turn their talents into points for University or gain access to professional Dance training conservatoires.
Course fees will include all exam entrance costs and tutor fees for one year, registration has now started and we will take a maximum of 15 learners to ensure standards of excellence throughout.
If you would like to contact us feel free to e mail info@ffindance.co.uk or text 07854 910926