Getting very excited now, as there are only 2 more days to go before we jet off to Edinburgh.

Today’s activities include the final editing of the music for Five Dances, composed for FFIN DANCE by Sheffield based Jenny Jackson and played by Platform 4, and for Synapsequence, again composed for FFIN DANCE by Ronen Kozokaro.

We will miss Platform 4 very much, as they usually play live for our performances of Five Dances, it’s not quite the same without you!
More packing of leads, plugs, gaffa, flyers, programmes etc… remembering that we don’t have our tour truck and flight cases with us and we need to carry it all with hand luggage is a bit of a struggle.

Packing my own personal stuff proving to be a struggle too, not really sure what to take (I don’t really do jeans and trainers!)

And not forgetting to print off our boarding passes for the flight – the FFIN family is almost ready to hit the Edinburgh Fringe – have you booked YOUR tickets yet?

sue lewis