Just 3 more sleeps and then it’s off to Edinburgh, we are all pretty excited now! The programmes are printed, the lists are complete and we are making new Edfest friends daily. The camaraderie between the performers is something else, can’t wait to actually meet the people that we have been tweeting with and exchanging FB messages.
This time last year, we were hoping that we may get invited to perform in a European Arts Festival, we never imagined that it would be the biggest one on the planet….
Susana B Williams of Danceforms Productions USA has been an exceptional support for us during the lead-up to the Festival. Being first-timers at the Fringe, could have been a really daunting experience, but Susana has given us her experienced advice on all occasions.
Packing not really happening until Thursday, but it’s all laid out and ready to go. Anyone got a reliable forecast of the weather?
Please keep following our countdown blogs and keep updated with our preparations.
sue lewis