After the most crazy 2 weeks, I can now settle down to picking up the threads of organising the last minute details for our trip to Edinburgh.  It seems like ages since we were booked by Susana B. Williams to perform as part of Dance Forms Productions (USA) 60th Choreographer’s Showcase at the Fringe Festival, and now we are just 6 days away!

The company is looking fantastic, and we are all looking forward to our first experience at the Fringe.  Labelled the largest arts festival in the world, we are anticipating a great opportunity to showcase FFIN DANCE and what we have on offer to the world’s audience. Networking opportunities galore we hope!

So today:

lists, maps, phone calls, programme printing, lists, lists ..

See you tomorrow for another update on our countdown to Ed Fest.  In the meantime you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook

sue lewis