by ffinadmin | Apr 22, 2016 | Blog
It is one thing to work the body, but when your mind is working equally hard, it becomes exhausting. All of the company seems to be feeling the strain, however the moments of joy come from dedicated repetition and embodiment. It’s such a pleasure to dance with such a...
by ffinadmin | Mar 9, 2015 | Blog, News
Firstly, apologies – I meant to write this blog after our first couple of sessions with Gary a week or so ago, but always got caught up in something else. Now, I’m finally realising my good intentions before returning to the studio with Gary this evening – hopefully...
by ffinadmin | Feb 18, 2015 | Blog
It’s always the way with studio time – it seems that you can blink and suddenly you’re nearly at the end of 2 weeks together. Having said that, I feel like these 2 weeks have really allowed us some time and space to progress both Fascination and d-cay, and given us a...
by ffinadmin | Feb 15, 2015 | Blog
A productive and exciting week as the company and I distribute morning classes and solid movement practice throughout. As previously said by Sue, we once more familiarise ourselves with Fascination to proceed forward under Sue’s direction. “Retaining...
by ffinadmin | Feb 14, 2014 | Blog
Rehearsals this February have a different feel than usual – rather than using this period to create another piece we are refreshing our memories on Fractal and Stand Up Straight as well as picking up Synapsequence (from Connections 2012) ready to première in March. It...