by ffinadmin | Sep 6, 2018 | Blog
Good evening everyone. Day 4 in the studio making my new work for the company, based on the themes in Priestley’s play An Inspector Calls. The emphasis today was finding the musicality in the sublime The Lark Ascending composed by British composer Ralph Vaughan...
by ffinadmin | Sep 3, 2018 | Blog
And so to another new season at FFIN My new work is based on the underlying themes of JB Priestley’s amazingly progressive but classic play An Inspector Calls. Catrin, Julian and Georgina began their R&D time in the studio with me today discussing the...
by ffinadmin | Mar 29, 2018 | News
FFIN DANCE PRESENTS… | SAT 27 APR, 7PM | THEATRE FFIN DANCE presents their brand new work An Inspector Calls, choreographed by Sue Lewis based on the Priestly novel of the same name. As part of this most special evening, the community groups run by the FFIN...
by ffinadmin | Oct 21, 2013 | Blog
So we’ve just begun week 2 of rehearsals and today has been mostly spent finding a culmination point for Fractal, Sue Lewis’ latest work for the company. While this entailed establishing group unison and duet relationships with generous helpings of canon and...
by ffinadmin | Sep 24, 2013 | Blog
Hello to all FFIN DANCE followers familiar and new! As I leave the student world and enter the realms of the freelance artist, I must firstly say how excited I am to be taking a step forward into the company. This season will prove to be an exceptionally challenging...