by ffinadmin | Nov 23, 2012 | The ffin dance faktry
Last Saturday was our 5th annual Winter Dance Faktry Festival held at our home base in The Met in Abertillery. 64 community dancers, 10 professional dancers, 2 photographers, 6 volunteers and 3 technicians brought together a showcase performance that ranged from...
by ffinadmin | Nov 14, 2012 | Blog, The ffin dance faktry
After another productive day down at TR2 in Plymouth the piece is finally finished! It’s been such a fun piece to make and both Emma and I have really enjoyed getting to develop our characters within the piece, letting our personalities come through. Emma...
by ffinadmin | Nov 12, 2012 | Blog
Today’s rehearsal consisted of creative tasks and improvisation. This resulted in some more interesting movement phrases being made for us to work on and incorporate into our work so far. This week will be mainly rehearsing and cementing the material we already...
by ffinadmin | Nov 12, 2012 | Blog
I’m preparing for a crazy week ahead. In spite of the fact that FFIN DANCE is not a Dance In Education company, we have a real passion for excellence and high quality in our youth and community programme. I am not ashamed to say that and make no bones about...
by ffinadmin | Nov 9, 2012 | Blog
Rehearsals for our newest piece, Wade in The Water are going really well. We had our first work in progress performance on Thursday night (8/11/12) and considering small rush to create material, we received positive feedback from the other performers and artists. We...