photo Paul Trask

I’m preparing for a crazy week ahead.  In spite of the fact that FFIN DANCE is not a Dance In Education company, we have a real passion for excellence and high quality in our youth and community programme.  I am not ashamed to say that and make no bones about the fact that quality open happens when you care enough to do your best.  Sometimes, high expectations can be unfashionable and not trendy, we at FFIN DANCE don’t buy into that philosphy.

At the forthcoming Winter Dance Faktry Festival this Saturday, we are showcasing our community projects with some children who have been dancing for just 3 weeks, together with others who have been dancing a lot longer.  However, we still have a very high ask of them.  We will be holding a week of intensive rehearsals with them this week.

On Friday and Saturday, our guest companies, Ceyda Tanc Dance and Exim Dance will be coming to Wales to our studio to work with us on production and technical details.  We are very much looking forward to welcoming them to our home.

Throughout the week, there will be various blog posts, we hope you’ll join us …

sue lewis