by ffinadmin | Jan 9, 2018 | Blog, News
It’s with huge apologies that I write this blog, after what seems like an eternity. Since the company has taken on the running and management of The Beaufort Theatre in April 2017, my life has been rather taken over with operational things other than writing...
by ffinadmin | Feb 24, 2015 | Blog
Well our last 2 weeks of Welsh studio time have ended, and now we see the dancers moving to London to spend time with Gary Lambert for the next three weeks. Gary and the dancers will be making his new work for our Power Of 3 Tour, whilst I will stay in Wales working...
by ffinadmin | Feb 17, 2014 | Blog
Well what a week it has been! It’s been so lovely to be back in the studio with the Ffin family. As Effie has mentioned in her blog, we have been rehearsing for our ‘Still Standing’ tour. It looks set to be a cracker! We began the week refreshing...
by ffinadmin | Feb 14, 2014 | Blog
Rehearsals this February have a different feel than usual – rather than using this period to create another piece we are refreshing our memories on Fractal and Stand Up Straight as well as picking up Synapsequence (from Connections 2012) ready to première in March. It...
by ffinadmin | Oct 27, 2013 | Blog
So it’s the morning after the night before…or that’s what it feels like anyway! I’ve definitely needed this weekend to recover, but as a result of my actions in the studio rather than any other kind of over-indulgence. For the latter part of week 2, we began working...