IMG_3110So it’s the morning after the night before…or that’s what it feels like anyway! I’ve definitely needed this weekend to recover, but as a result of my actions in the studio rather than any other kind of over-indulgence.

For the latter part of week 2, we began working on Stand Up Straight, a piece which Catrin Lewis is reworking for the company (have a gander back at her blogs for more info), which couldn’t be more different from any of the pieces I’ve danced previously for Ffin. My experience thus far is that Catrin’s concern is less with the aesthetic presentation of material and more with invoking true sensations and physical reactions on a personal level relating to the subject matter of vertigo.

One of the tasks which Catrin has set us has involved standing up and spinning for 30-60 seconds with our heads dropped back and focus up to the ceiling.


It is the movement that we perform subsequently when we are in a self-induced state of dizziness that Catrin is most interested in – the choices that we make whilst somewhat incapacitated, as opposed to our normal learned movement patterns which result from years of studio time.

Another component within the piece is being able to get over the fear factor of allowing yourself to fall off balance so that another dancer can break your fall and take care of your journey to the ground. This is a moment where it is really mind over matter – all of my instincts are screaming at me to take a step and regain my own balance – especially when I’m falling backwards and can see the dancer who is going to support my fall in front of me!

While I’m used to self-inflicted aches, pains and bruises after rehearsals, Stand Up Straight is really taking its toll on my mind – it’s this headachy hangover which has made me very glad of two days’ rest before gearing up to our third and final week of rehearsals.

Effie 🙂