End ofWhat an amazing and inspiring two weeks I’ve had in the studio with FFIN DANCE! I would like to thank Sue, Catrin, Effie and Natasha for making my experience such an enjoyable one, by making me feel welcome and part of the team. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to spend time in the studio with you all.

Through joining company class with Ffin every morning and observing rehearsals in the afternoon, as well as learning sections of repertoire I was able to gain an insight into what it is like to be a part of a professional dance company. The dancers were always happy to help, advise and encourage me during class and as a result I have learnt so much more about myself as a dancer and areas in which I need to improve.

I couldn’t have asked for a more fulfilling experience of life in a professional dance company. It is a totally different environment to the training provided at university, and therefore I feel any opportunities given by dance companies to post graduates is invaluable to help bridge the gap between training and obtaining a professional job.

I have definitely taken a lot from my time with the company and appreciate all their guidance. I can’t thank them all enough!! I would recommend Ffin and the opportunities they offer to all post graduates looking to develop a professional dance career.

I am really looking forward to seeing the dancers perform their finished pieces on stage next year as part of their 2015 The Power Of 3 Tour!

Emma Jenkins