We have just finished our third week of New Ground summer holiday dance clubs, which have been full of fun and great dancing. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a volunteer as it has given me new skills and knowledge which will be great value to me in the future.
Just in this short time it is great to see all the children improving so much, developing their confidence and dance technique; it is extremely rewarding and satisfying to see all the hard work of volunteers, teachers and children pay off. It is also lovely to hear some of the children ask about other classes. Hopefully we will see some new starters in all our weekly classes in September.
Today, we are doing a full day session 10-3pm, this is one of three we are doing in the upcoming week. I’m really looking forward to this as I think the children will really enjoy a full day of dancing. It will also be lovely for the children’s parents to see the work they have done in a small viewing at the end of the day, it gives the children something to work towards which is great!!
Gemma Aubrey
New Ground