_PRT7262So we have just finished our third week of our free holiday dance classes and the volunteers and the children attending are all enjoying learning new skills, from new dance techniques to how to work with children. It’s amazing to see the same children attending each session because they are enjoying it so much and a few children are even asking about joining our weekly classes that will be starting back in September. It’s wonderful to think that we will be gaining some great new dancers all because of these free classes that have been provided.

Being the senior volunteer for this project has really opened my eyes to all the admin work that has to be done to ensure that the project is run as smoothly as possible. This project has really inspired me to run my own classes for the community in the future and I’m so glad that I have been given the opportunity to see first-hand what steps need to be taken to achieve the same success as this project.

During this experience there has been many times where we have all found ourselves laughing due to the quirkiness of some of our children that are attending. My personal highlight so far is seeing all of the children that have attended more than one session improve in a range of different techniques and skills that are definitely going to help them if they decide to join our weekly classes.

I am very much looking forward to sharing our work next week with the children’s family and friends so that they get to see how much their child has improved since starting the classes. I’m sure that we will get great feedback from these sharing sessions.  Maybe you can come along?

Cariad Williams
New Ground