IMG_3150So far so good!!
Catrin and I have so far spent two wonderful rehearsals with Gary improvising following some ‘rules’ that Gary has set

He’s filmed quite a bit of the improvisations and from these we will pick out the bits that are ‘good’ to create phrases. Similar to how I structured ‘Megan’s corner’ in Degrees of Freedom, my solo by Gary last season.
It’s a very interesting process to get inside of Gary’s mind. He said that this is often how he makes material and phrases but he now has a process that he can follow to generate the material.

I think he’s looking to set more ‘rules’ for the improvs in order to get different moods/material.

It was quite funny how often Cat and myself were unaware of what the other was doing but would often pick up on the language of material that the other was doing.

The piece is going to be about ‘being’. Gary doesn’t believe in the term movement for movements sake, as dance is an experience both for the audience and the dancer. He describes it a lot more eloquently than that but that is the gist of what I have gathered!

Really looking forward to continuing with the work, keep dropping by, it’s going to be great.
