I came to Ffin Dance for work experience because I am interested in the arts and how companies like Ffin are run.
For my first day, I was observing the professional dancers session and taking part in some of the warm ups that the professionals would do. I could really see how much dance meant to all of the dancers, they work so hard individually and together. They work as a team. They have so much ambition! After I had observed the professionals all day, it was time to observe and take part in the infants’ lesson as part of the dance faktry – the outreach unit of the company.
They all loved the session, as did I. I could see how much all of them were loving the session as well as learning some valuable techniques. I was surprised at the overall amount of enthusiasm the children had, even though the youngest was only 3 years old. The next session was the juniors. This session was so enjoyable. I could see that every single person wanted to be there. Everyone was learning valuable techniques that they will continue using into the senior group and so on. The junior session was a lot more technical as well as enjoyable. The junior group was diverse. There were a mixture of boys and girls and both genders seemed to love the lesson, as it was a little something for everyone. The senior group was extremely lovely and you could really start to see how much potential a lot of them had. I found the day very beneficial for me. I really got to see all of the different stages dancers have to go through to be up to the high standard of dancers across the country. Every dancer in every class works so hard and you can really see that just by observing. Dance is a lot of hard work and it isn’t for everyone but it’s so amazing seeing how talented a lot of people become from going through all these steps. Ffin Dance has been a wonderful experience for work experience and I would recommend to anyone who would like to participate in the arts to observe to see how much work these dancers put in on a daily basis before diving straight into the deep end. Ffin Dance is a very well run company and it’s filled with incredible dancers. It truly is amazing to watch.
Tamara Young
Thanks for writing this blog Tamara, great to see you enjoyed your time with us – keep in touch!