Monday 10th December saw the presentation of awards to our young dancers who dance weekly with the FFIN DANCE dance faktry. It was a lovely evening which started with a short class while the parents and friends had coffee and cakes (all home made and donated!)
SCARF Dance and Abertillery Youth Dance Co (AYDC) both performed pieces of work created for them by Sue Lewis of FFIN DANCE to the delighted parents and friends in the audience which was then followed by a presentation of ceritificates to the dancers for attendance, endeavour and commitment.
SCARF Dance and AYDC have been working in partnership with the dance faktry for five years and has gown and developed at a steady and consistent rate, with waiting lists for all classes and a new round of auditions for the youth company.
The community of Abertillery is exceptionally proud of the way in which the young people participate in our classes and clubs, and rightly so – they are an absolute joy to teach!
For further information please follow this link