As part of our continuing commitment to new dance in Wales, our education and outreach unit, the dance faktry, recently underwent a youth project with Taikabox.

Our senior youth dancers, Abertillery Youth Dance Company, worked with Tanja Raman of Taixabox, to make a piece of work to include in the show Beyond The Body.

The show was presented at The Met in Abertillery on November 20th 2012.  The young dancers opened the second half of the show with a piece of work created by Tanja, which was threaded into the show as a whole.

The 9 young dancers gained a lot from working with live musicians and were very excited to be performing in a professional dance show for the second time in just 4 days, as they had also performed a work created for them by FFIN DANCE director Sue Lewis just days before in the FFIN DANCE Winter Dance Faktry Festival

It is opportunities like this that stay with a young dancer for life, with your support, we can continue to develop new and emerging dance talent in our communities.