Yesterday saw the second performance for FFIN DANCE in Scotland. We performed at The Lemon Tree which is situated in the heart of Aberdeen.
We were lucky enough to kick start the day by taking company class at CityMoves which is a really lovely space, with beautiful arched windows. We rehearsed both Five Dances and Synapsequence, ironing out any creases we had, double checking all the unison sections in Five Dances and reaffirming the work that we did with Gary last week with one another.
We then moved over to the theatre venue where we were joined by photographers Simon Scott and Laura Mumby, who had come to take photographs of our dress rehearsal.
The dress rehearsal was a little shakey. Even though we have performed this programme many times these dress rehearsal wobbles still happen. They can be for a variety of reasons such as getting used to a new space, nerves, getting a little too comfortable with the material, timing issues, lighting issues, body issues the list goes on. The most important thing though is to realise what has happened, how you can fix it and not letting it affect you mentally. An audience can always tell when you are nervous or scared! I always find having a bad run of something jolts me into upping my game because as a dancer you are constantly looking to achieve that elusive perfect performance!
Before a show most dancers will have a little set routine. I will always have a banana whilst doing my make up and then spend a few minutes trying to tame my cows licks. I then go about warming up and focusing myself. I talk through each piece and remember things that I’ve been working on and what things I need to get across to the audience. After I’ve finished this mental preparation I remind myself that I am lucky to be where I am and that performing is why I put myself through the disciplines of being a dancer and that I’m meant to enjoy it, which you can sometimes forget during the stresses of a performance day. Once I have done that I feel that ‘I’m good to go’ and I can go out onto the stage confident and knowing that I love my job.
In this performance of the Connections Tour we were without Platform4 for Five Dances. Their absence always has an impact on the piece as they are such an integral part of the piece. As well as forming relationships with the other dancers we also formed them with “our” musician and I always find it a challenge to bring out the characteristics of the piano when Chris, my musician, isn’t there. Platform4’s absence means that the dancers have to work harder to create the right personality/atmosphere for the piece.
Synapsequence saw the return of Catrin. It was lovely to work with her again after having her join the company for our summer touring. Synapsequence felt like it had grown a lot since the summer. After working with Gary I felt that the movement had matured and I had refound the sense of moving through my body as opposed to just creating the shapes of the movement. The result of this is a more cross-lateral way of moving where you are fully engaging with not just your body but with the space around you aswell.
After the show we took part in a Q&A. Here the company discussed the programme and the work that the company does with members of the audience. It was interesting to hear what questions people had about us and the show and also to hear their thoughts and opinions of the work.
All in all, I think FFIN DANCE definitely showed off what Welsh dance has to bring to a Scottish audience and hope that we can return again on the next tour.
Thank you for reading