Yesterday saw a change of direction for the dancers as they travelled from Wales to London to work with Gary Lambert spending a day rehearsing Synapsequence.  Next week we will be performing Synapsequence and Five Dances at the DanceLive 2012 Contemporary Dance Festival in Aberdeen.

The company has been in the studio for the past month making Missing Pages with me, so it was a complete head and body change for them to do Synapsequence.  As always, working with Gary was a pleasure and a joy.  Gary works with us again in February 2013 creating a solo for company dancer Megan entitled Degrees of Freedom together with a new ensemble for our 4 dancers, Axiom Tangent.

We are really looking forward to performing in Aberdeen next Tuesday, a first for all of us.  The Festival opening this week with Andy Howitt’s piece Deliberance, which received rave reviews.  We are hoping to make new contacts and friends and start building a Scottish following for FFIN DANCE

And so on to today – planning Half Term Holiday Dance Club, the Winter Dance Faktry Festival, Winter Intensives and tour booking.

Hope to see you next week Tuesday 23rd October at The Lemon Tree in Aberdeen, it’s going to be a great night.  Tickets £7.50

sue lewis