Missing Pages
Photo Paul Trask

The studio time for creating my newest work for the company has finally come to an end, and Missing Pages is now a fully structured piece of work.  What remains is time to rehearse and refine it, add the production elements of costume and lighting, and most importantly – for the dancers to make it their own.
This is one of the hardest things for me to do, that is give it over to the dancers.  This may sound selfish, but it’s not meant that way: of course a choreographer specifically makes work to be shown, but it’s difficult to make the final severance.  A bit like giving your baby away!

Missing Pages has been a part of me since April, constantly listening to the Ravel score, writing ideas, reading the text by John F. Wake, living and breathing the concept of the piece.  The past weeks in the studio have been a joy, the dancers fully embracing the elements of the piece and developing movement accordingly.  They have worked with complex rhythm changes, tough physical duet work and complex structural patterns.

I am thrilled with the outcome! We will be touring this work from March 2013 and hope you can get to see us at a venue near you.  In the meantime, we are planning our visit to DanceLive 2012 in Aberdeen later this month, where we will perform Synapsequence and Five Dances.

Lots going on over the next few months before Christmas, please be a part of our blogs and news.  Don’t forget you can write comments on our posts by writing in the comments box or the think bubble on the pages, we’d love to hear from you.

sue lewis