Returning from a holiday is never easy to get back into routine.
I spent an amazing 2 weeks in the mountains in the south of Granada in Spain, surrounded by breathless landscapes, citrus, almond and olive trees, warm sunny people and lots of lovely Manzanilla.

Last week was a baptism of fire returning to the office, I spent the week playing catch up and hopefully have now achieved that. It was great to get back to teaching all of our community dance groups and seeing everyone again and saying goodbye to our sixth-formers who have moved on to Higher Education.

So now with just one week to go before the dancers arrive, I am busy adding the final plans to my new work Missing Pages.  As much as I love my job as General Manager of the company, it’s the time in the studio that I relish.  Time spent with our wonderful team of creative professionals is second to none other.

We welcome Adam Murphy back to the company after a break, and Megan, Mike and Effie will be continuing with the company.  We say goodbye to Lucille (hopefully to see her dancing with us again very soon) who is undertaking further university courses in France, and we say goodbye too to Catrin, who enters her final year at Trinity Laban Conservatoire (Catrin will still be performing in Gary’s piece when we perform in Aberdeen)
Our brilliant production duo Mark and Matt, will also be on board, helping us to create the magic on stage (although Mark’s favourite phrase is “I’m a technician not a magician!”)

So, one week and counting – we hope you’ll follow us on our journey this season!

sue lewis