Day 2 brought the sunshine 🙂
Evening everyone! Well day 2 has been a relaxing and yet very productive day. After an amazing bath last night ( I can’t say enough how fantastic that was, could have stayed there for ages lol) and a good nights sleep, I was ready for the day ahead.
The company spent most of the morning going over various sections from both pieces, clarifying sections of unison, to refining how movements are initiated within the body, and refocusing our relationship as a team This was very worth while, and Megan’s role as assistant to the director, with her clear and honest direction is growing steadily and is very much a blessing to the company.

After lunch, we all had some time to relax, myself relishing the chance to catch some sunshine. Oh it feels good to have the warmth of the sun on your skin and sinking into your bones. Oh it’s fab!

Towards the late afternoon, we were able to get into the space which our technical crew, Matt and Janine, who have been working hard to get it ready (and boy it is gorgeous) and start spacing each piece. Both work really well within the space and I feel this performance is going to be rather special.

Just relaxing now after some more yummy food and looking forward to another warm bath. Pure heaven.

Chow for now