Day two at Burg Namedy and it’s certainly proving to be a lifestyle very easy for us at Ffin to slink into…don’t know how we’ll cope readjusting back home! Yesterday really allowed us to begin to appreciate the castle and grounds and I’m starting to feel less intimidated by some of the sheer scale and opulence – I actually feel like I can take more in, noticing little unassuming treasures cropping up around the space. This morning we had chance to look at refreshing some of the material for clarity and unison sections – beginning with the neutrino section in Synapsequence. We all had a hand in creating the different motifs (back in February!) which everybody performs at some point in this section and so each person could take charge in clearing up any details that may have become hazy over the course of the run. Doing this really keeps things fresh for us as well because you’ll suddenly pick up on an image or initiation that’s new and allows you to adopt more to another person’s movement style.
Since May, Catrin has joined us in taking on Lucille’s role in Synapsequence and I have done likewise slotting into Five Dances. As such, it was really great to get chance today to refocus on unison sections in both pieces – being ‘new’ or working with someone different brings another dynamic and energy to the group so you’re always working towards a balance…sometimes in the midst of performance it can feel like you’re being bullied into snatching material to keep up, rather than working as a harmonious unit, which was something we needed to address today. One section where this has been particularly prevalent in recent performances is a diagonal travelling trio which Mike, Catrin and myself perform….it was interesting for me to realise that our unison was strongest at what seemed to be a slightly slower pace – we had chance to fulfil each movement and clock each cue from one another without the edge and panic that sometimes accompanies this section.
Come afternoon, we were able to use the space we’ll be performing in at the weekend which the technical team have been doing a great job in preparing – it really does feel like it will be an amazing space where there is so much room for us as performers but also the audience will get a very intimate perspective. The room has panelled mirrors on the walls surrounding and it is odd to catch a glimpse oyourself doing a movement phrase from one angle and then another but I’m sure this will start to feel more comfortable as we get more time in the space. One of the challenges for spacing and placing is that we are potentially going to have audience members on three sides of the room… we had to spend some time alternating facings to make sure that we are not neglecting any of the audience by having a constant ‘front’. This is definitely something to be keeping us on our toes over the next couple of days!
Effie 🙂