Hi everyone, or should I say guten tag! 🙂
Well, after a successful and exciting performance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Saturday and Sunday (and an eventful stay at a local hostel which had a walrus in our room who snored for ages bless him ) we are now in the beautiful residence of Burg Namedy.
After a very long drive, a few Welsh cakes and excellent driving navigation from Catrin and Meg we arrived bang on the witching hour of midnight. After a nice glass of juice, or wine for some we were shown to our lovely rooms, bathrobes and all.
Today has been rather chilled, just spending time for ourselves and setting up the spaces for the performances later this week. It’s great to see Gary again and to meet fellow dance artists, Ben Craft and Fred Gehrig.
Tomorrow looks to be more full on so looking forward to the week ahead. This place is just beautiful, and to top it off I’m making some new friends with the princesses dogs, especially a little pug. She is sooo sweet 🙂
Will touch base again soon as the week unfolds for more updates.
Mike 🙂