Hello all, well it’s safe to say that Ffin Dance has arrived in Germany after some excellent navigation skills from Cat and myself (only taking a vague detour down a beaten track).

We arrived last night and were met by Gary Lambert, our associate choreographer and curator of the festival in Germany, who proceeded to take us on a tour of the castle where we are staying. To say it is jaw droppingly beautiful is a bit of an understatement. I have decided that castle life is definitely the life for me.

This morning, after some gentle body conditioning, we went for a walk around the castle grounds and explored further into the castle. It is full to bursting with beautiful pieces of antique furniture, original paintings and sweeping staircases, as well as the odd stuffed eagle and boar head.

Whilst the dancers of Ffin have been having a lovely time exploring, our technical team have been hard at work making the space performance ready. We haven’t been allowed to see it yet so we are all looking forward to that.

The sun is shining and we are looking forward to rehearsing and performing in such a special place. Life is sweet.
