The company is certainly going to be very busy during the first week of the Easter Holidays. For the third consecutive year now, we will be hosting the Easter Intensives course for professional dancers in Abertillery. This year 5 dancers will be spending time in the studio concentrating on performance skills, whilst making a new piece of work with company Artistic Director Sue Lewis. The 5 dancers have been selected from around 25 applicants. The course gives professionals time in the studio to develop skills that are sometimes not easy to devote time to in everyday training.
At the same time, in Six Bells community centre, company dancers Megan and Mike will be leading our volunteers project, New Ground. This entails offering free dance classes to children each day between 2-4.30pm, again making a new piece of dance by the end of the week.
The week culminates in the Easter Dance Faktry Festival on Friday 13th April at The Met where both new pieces will be presented onstage together with other pieces of work that the dance faktry has made during the past term.
The show aims to present the audience with work from the whole spectrum of the company’s education and outreach work, ranging from professional dancers right the way through to 3 year olds just embarking on their dance journey. We hope you can join us.