FFIN DANCE and the dance faktry is gearing up for a weekend packed full of dance activity.
It all kicks off this evening at Six Bells Community Centre where I will be leading a seminar on training 12 youth volunteers from Blaenau Gwent. These youth volunteers aged between 16 and 25 will be forming New Ground, which will be delivering dance activity and workshops to the community in Six Bells, Abertillery in South Wales. New Ground will become a small company attached to the dance faktry outreach unit for FFIN DANCE
Then on to Merthyr, to the newly opened, purpose built theatre in the centre of the town, which delivers a full theatre programme bilingually in Welsh and English. Workshops there at 10am and 1pm, and a performance of Connections at 6pm. A funny time you may say for a dance performance on a Saturday evening, but it’s especially planned to encourage families to engage in the workshops, do a spot of shopping and leisure, then stay around and watch the show. Brilliant!
No rest on Sunday either…. from 2-5pm we pick back up in Six Bells to begin dance workshops for children in the village. This will continue in the Easter holidays and the children will perform their new work created by Megan, company dancer, in our Easter Dance Faktry Festival on 13th April.
Few days to recharge the batteries, complete some end of project reports, fit in some family and friends time, pack the tour bus, and off to Holyhead for 4 days on Thursday.
But more about that later….
Image by Paul Trask
sue lewis