Last day of week 1 has been and gone and what a week it has been. Once again can’t emphasize enough how much the company is enjoying working with Gary.

Today was spent consolidating all the material that we have learnt and created this week. It’s amazing how much material has been generated in such a short space of time and I’m very much looking forward to seeing how Gary will manipulate this to create the structure of the piece.

Already we have been exploring some interesting ideas with duets that we have created and also solo material with what will be some pretty funky lighting.

One thing that I know everyone is working hard on is not over performing the movement. This is something that Gary is very keen for us to explore as ‘performing’ the movement gives it a very different quality. Lots to work on here.

Also this week we welcomed Paul Trask to the studio who has taken some lovely shots of the company in rehearsals and Steve Denton who will be designing our costumes.

The week was finished with our end of week meeting a lovely glass of red wine! Can’t wait for Monday to come to get back into the studio.
