This is the last blog by Sue Lewis, Artistic Director of FFIN DANCE in Dancing Days.  All future blogs will be on this website on the blogs page.  Look out for blogs by company dancers too ….

Platforms, Networking and Beyond

What an amazing time we had last week at our PPD. Company dancer Megan Griffiths embarked on her first piece of choreography for the company with Persona, a duet for PPD dancers Effie McGuire Ward and Charlie Dixon. A beautiful duet, inspired by quotations from Monroe, Jackie Kennedy and Hepburn.

Together with over 70 young dancers from the community, 3 emerging professional choreographers were invited to share their new works at a packed performance on Saturday evening at The Met. We welcomed Charlie Dixon Dance Company, CODA Dance and Lucille Teppa. Audience feedback for their work was fantastic! They were all a joy to work with.

Our dance faktry groups were all amazing, some as young as 2 and a half, they brought us back to our dance roots – always a good place to go..

Special thanks to Laima Jones of SCARF Dance for her excellent back stage management.

And so on to networking. A great evening with The Best of Newport at The Mint Leaf Indian Restaurant and Lounge as part of a networking event with a curry tasting session. Some great contacts made and hopefully some openings in to the hotel business for ff.un special events.

Another lovely contact was made with Kim Fordwoh of ArTournament Gloucester who really loves our work and will be programming us in 2012.

Networking is such a vital lifeline in the arts in business world – please help us by telling everyone all about our work and pointing them to our website.

Please keep in touch

via Dancing Days: Platforms, networking and beyond.