And Moving On

And so after an incredible opening to our tour at Laban Theatre, London this week, we turn our thoughts to performances next week at Coleg Morgannwg in Nantgarw and Canolfan Ucheldre in Holyhead.  The 2 extreme ends of Wales – one in Cardiff and the other on the...

Inspired leaving the nest

And so here we are, it’s the opening of our tour Inspired 2013,  we open at Laban Theatre London this evening. How exciting. Yesterday we spent the day in Studio 7 at Trinity Laban rehearsing all 3 pieces – Missing Pages, Degrees of Freedom and Axiom...

Countdown To Opening Night

As our studio time ticks away, I’m mindful of the practicalities of the approaching spring season, which starts for us at Laban Theatre on March 5th In addition to preparing our 3 pieces in the studio, I’m aware that we need to be looking forwards too and so we are...

Masters At Work

I’ve been fortunate to be able to spend the whole day in the studio today without having to rush off to a meeting, or similar. The day started with Ben teaching class: it’s been really interesting to watch the development in the dancers’ technique this week.  Such a...

.. and 5 days

I’m sure that many of you reading this blog will have experienced the turmoil of your life before opening night on your tour.  Emotions can go from extreme exhilaration to the depths of despair in a matter of minutes, seconds even. I have had a lot of requests...