by ffinadmin | Oct 10, 2015 | Blog
With just over a week to go, I’d like to share the thinking behind my new work for the company – True It’s a quartet for the whole company very loosely based on the German folk tale of Weibertreue. At Weinsberg, in Württemberg, on the summit of a...
by ffinadmin | Aug 15, 2015 | Blog
We’re currently being treated to some gorgeous sunny weather which complements our surroundings here at Namedy perfectly. So much so, that both nights of our stay so far we have been able to remain outside late into the evening – enjoying the good company,...
by ffinadmin | Aug 12, 2015 | News
Hope that you can join us in Germany this weekend:
by ffinadmin | Aug 20, 2013 | Blog
Hello everyone! Well, it certainly has been an incredible this year which culminated in our recent trip to the wonderful setting of Burg Namedy, Germany, where once again we were greeted with open arms, a warm reception from both the household staff and the audience...
by ffinadmin | Aug 19, 2013 | Blog
So the FFIN team have reached the end of the Inspired Tour 2013 and what a journey it has been. I think it’s safe to say that all the members have had an enriching time. We performed twice in Germany, selling out on both evenings. The evening consisted of our...