An Inspector Calls Day 2

Day 2 in the studio didn’t disappoint, more super work explored. The images above are from Julian’s notebook, jottings of the things that have come to mind with the task in hand. Today the dancers recapped on the tasks from yesterday, working on...

Summer fun

We are now into the third week of our summer holiday dance clubs, and having some great response from the community. The children and young people with whom we are working have been absolutely fantastic. The holiday clubs provide free dance classes for children in...

Last leg

And so we are on to the last stretch of our 2014 tour, Still Standing. It’s been a great tour and we have received some great audience feedback: some venues enjoying some of the pieces more than others and then conversely other places getting more from the...

New A Level Course Gets Under Way

It’s been about 7 years since I last taught A Level Dance, and how I’ve missed it! I introduced the course into Ebbw Vale Senior Comprehensive School back in the 80’s where I was Head of the Dance Dept.  It was a successful course back then and has...

No let-up

Just when the school term ends and everyone is talking holidays, many dance companies are gearing up for summer schools, festivals and European touring, and FFIN DANCE is just one of those such companies. For the past few weeks, the company has been recruiting and...