by ffinadmin | Dec 15, 2018 | Blog
After a few aches and pains it was time to crack on with day two of production week! The collaborative work between FFIN DANCE and The Beaufort Theatre is the foundation for the work we do day to day at the Beaufort and today was no different. As a community-led...
by ffinadmin | Nov 1, 2016 | Blog
As the glorious autumn days roll by, it’s time to turn our thoughts to winter time, and of course for us here at FFIN DANCE, the winter dance faktry festival. This is when we bring all of our community and outreach groups together and share the new term’s...
by ffinadmin | Apr 9, 2016 | Blog, News
So, how do you measure success? A variety of ways I rather imagine, but in the case of our Easter Intensives and Easter Dance Faktry Festival, we like to think that it’s quality performances and happy people. We recently spent time in the studio with 3 amazing...
by ffinadmin | Nov 7, 2015 | Blog
Our new project Desire To Dance has kicked off with 2 marvellous performances at Bedwellty House, Tredegar in South Wales and St Paul’s Church, London. The aim of this project is to work in partnership with a community dance group who is situated near a chosen...
by ffinadmin | Jun 26, 2015 | Dance Education, News
We are pleased to announce that four of our youth ambassadors have formed their own company to provide much needed free summer dance classes for children and young people. With the help of a grant from Tai Calon Community Housing, Louis Norman has got together with 3...