Busy bees

And so to a tiny lul in the FFIN DANCE calendar. The Easter dance faktry festival and intensives (April 24th/25th) were amongst our most successful in terms of participation, audience figures and quality since we started these activities back in 2008.  Lots of happy...

Stand Up Straight 1

Welcome to the first of my choreography blogs, sharing with you my ideas and r&d methods of my new work Stand Up Straight for FFIN DANCE Following an intense time of research into the condition known as vertigo, spending time with each of my five dancers at...

All Systems About To Go

Hello to all FFIN DANCE followers familiar and new! As I leave the student world and enter the realms of the freelance artist, I must firstly say how excited I am to be taking a step forward into the company. This season will prove to be an exceptionally challenging...

No let-up

Just when the school term ends and everyone is talking holidays, many dance companies are gearing up for summer schools, festivals and European touring, and FFIN DANCE is just one of those such companies. For the past few weeks, the company has been recruiting and...