by ffinadmin | Sep 26, 2014 | Blog
So today saw us slot together the jigsaw pieces and go for a first run of Fascination, Sue’s latest work for the company. It’s certainly an exciting stage to reach (with the exhilaration augmented by the fire alarm going off mid-way through!) – you get your first...
by ffinadmin | Sep 21, 2014 | Blog
Returning to the valleys for rehearsals this time around has had a really heightened sense of change for me. For a start, it feels like the intervening time from when I was last here in May has been particularly long, on top of that, both Meg and Mike who have been...
by ffinadmin | Sep 13, 2014 | Blog, News
In less than 2 days time, I will be back in the studio with the dancers making my new piece for the company – Fascination. The work centres around the fascination that the artist Picasso had for painting 3 figures in much of his work. Three musicians, three dancers,...