Give a little something back

Hello to all you Ffin followers! I hope you’re all well and looking forward to seeing us perform our triple bill at Coleg Y Cymoedd on the 11th March. Just a few things to check in on this early Saturday morning. As I trek down from the city to the valley to...

Busy times

I am currently preparing for the winter dance faktry festival with the Blaenau Gwent county youth dance company The Move, Combination Dance and I’m also creating a solo as part of my A level Dance course with FFIN DANCE. It is a very busy time for me and my...

Busy preps

As a member of Combination Dance,  The Move Youth Dance Company and a Leapers Dance group leader, I am busy preparing for our Easter dance faktry festival and have been for weeks, along with my fellow dancers. As it is the first showcase of 2013 we are all eager to...

Hard Work And Focus

As a member of ‘The Move’, Blaenau Gwent Youth Dance Company, I am currently very busy preparing for the piece ‘Deeper’ that will be showcased Saturday in the annual Winter Dance Faktry Festival. Myself and all other members of The Move have recently been undergoing...