Letting the dust settle…

  So it’s a couple of weeks since our first airing this season at Coleg Y Cymoedd and it’s taken the intervening time for me to actually find a moment to process and reflect on the evening. What has really hit me is how different Stand Up Straight felt in situ as...

Give a little something back

Hello to all you Ffin followers! I hope you’re all well and looking forward to seeing us perform our triple bill at Coleg Y Cymoedd on the 11th March. Just a few things to check in on this early Saturday morning. As I trek down from the city to the valley to...

Going Solo…

So we’ve just begun week 2 of rehearsals and today has been mostly spent finding a culmination point for Fractal, Sue Lewis’ latest work for the company. While this entailed establishing group unison and duet relationships with generous helpings of canon and...

Stand Up Straight 2

Hello again. In my last blog post, I shared with you the concept of my new work, Stand Up Straight for FFIN DANCE.  The work will be 1 of 3 pieces in the touring production of Still Standing. Stand Up Straight is centred around the idea of Vertigo. The sound score I...

All Systems About To Go

Hello to all FFIN DANCE followers familiar and new! As I leave the student world and enter the realms of the freelance artist, I must firstly say how excited I am to be taking a step forward into the company. This season will prove to be an exceptionally challenging...