by ffinadmin | Mar 29, 2018 | News
FFIN DANCE PRESENTS… | SAT 27 APR, 7PM | THEATRE FFIN DANCE presents their brand new work An Inspector Calls, choreographed by Sue Lewis based on the Priestly novel of the same name. As part of this most special evening, the community groups run by the FFIN...
by ffinadmin | Jan 24, 2013 | News
Inspired 2013 Tickets, Ucheldre Centre, Holyhead.
by ffinadmin | Jul 13, 2012 | Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012
Just another 23 days and we will open our show Connections in the Fringe Festival August 4th and 5th as part of Danceforms 60th Choreographers’ Showcase at C venues Our both shows are 11am, we’d love to have a chat to you after the show – very much...