by ffinadmin | Oct 28, 2014 | Blog
Tuesday was photo shoot day with Paul Trask in the Ffin Dance studios so there was an unusual amount of preening going on! Having helpfully been sent YouTube tutorials by Sue, we donned the smoky eye look and then set about creating some sleek up-dos with our hair....
by ffinadmin | Oct 22, 2013 | Blog
As I sit here happily munching on a slice of birthday cake (a Percy Pig one which is very nice) and a lovely cup of tea, courtsey of my FFIN family, I now feel that I can begin to reflect upon the last week of our current rehearsal period. This past week, we have been...
by ffinadmin | Sep 28, 2012 | Blog
Day 5 saw the close of the first week of my studio time with the dancers making Missing Pages. Using a short story written for us by John F Wake, together with divine music by Ravel, the work is s series of male/female duets depicting the memoirs of an imaginary...