by ffinadmin | Dec 15, 2018 | Blog
After a few aches and pains it was time to crack on with day two of production week! The collaborative work between FFIN DANCE and The Beaufort Theatre is the foundation for the work we do day to day at the Beaufort and today was no different. As a community-led...
by ffinadmin | May 7, 2016 | News
The company is offering a volunteers opportunity for a stage management assistants role. The role will involve assisting the technical manager and the FFIN DANCE team to set up classes, workshops and performances at venues. Please contact for a...
by ffinadmin | Jan 13, 2016 | News, The ffin dance faktry
We’d like to invite you to apply for our professional development Easter Intensives 2016 The intensive will run on April 4th/5th and 6th 2016 at our home base, The Met in Abertillery, Wales UK The course is aimed at professional dancers, or those in professional dance...
by ffinadmin | Sep 23, 2015 | News
We’d like to invite you to apply for our professional development Winter Intensives 2015 The intensive will run on November 12th/13th and 14th 2015 at our home base, The Met in Abertillery, Wales UK The course is aimed at professional dancers, or those in...