Women GoLive Oxord 2016

Hope you can make it along to our show as part of Donald Hutera’s Women GoLive Oxford 2016.  We perform at The Old Fire Station in Oxford on July 15th (Memoir and Duetti) and 16th (Memoir and True) Here’s a link

Power Of 3 Tour 2015 starts soon

Today marks the start of the marketing of our new show The Power Of 3.  To celebrate with us, we thought that we would let you in on a preview of the animated film that will be part of Catrin’s new piece d-cay.  You can read a little more about d-cay by...

2 down, one to go

And so ends our second creative period for this season. For the past 2 weeks we have spent time in the studio with company dancer, Catrin Lewis, who has been making a new piece for the company which is inspired by scenarios surrounding the Omaha Beach Landing in World...

Gathering the scraps

After an indulging three weeks off, I begin to gather all my scraps of paper together to start with the lovely ladies of FFIN DANCE on Monday morning. Under a tight ten day creative period, it is of importance to me that I over-prepare, as those of you that are...