by ffinadmin | Jan 9, 2018 | Blog, News
It’s with huge apologies that I write this blog, after what seems like an eternity. Since the company has taken on the running and management of The Beaufort Theatre in April 2017, my life has been rather taken over with operational things other than writing...
by ffinadmin | May 11, 2016 | News
We’d like to let you know some exciting news! From July of this year, Sarah Lee will be joining the company, until then she will be on our team helping to deliver workshops and summer dance clubs. We are delighted that she is joining us, and we’ll be...
by ffinadmin | Oct 26, 2015 | Blog
Hello all, this is my first blog post as a new company member of FFIN DANCE. I was delighted to be offered the role of company dancer back in August and feel especially privileged to be joining the company ahead of the 10th anniversary next year. My first encounter...
by ffinadmin | Jul 19, 2013 | News
We are really pleased to share with you that Catrin Lewis will be joining the company from August to perform our last show of Inspired 2013 at Burg Namedy and will continue to work with us into the new season. She has previously danced with the company as an...